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Concerts and Tickets

You can buy advance tickets online.  When you make a purchase using the Buy Now buttons below, you will be sent an e-mail acknowledging the transaction. You won't be sent a ticket, but your name will be added to a list which will give you admission when you arrive at the concert. We will also send you an email about a week before the concert giving further details.

To buy tickets online for a concert, go to that section below, select the number of tickets you would like using the + and - buttons, and then press the Buy Now button.  This will bring up a page where you can enter your card details to complete the puchase.

If you will be bringing any accompanied children, or wish to reserve places for a carer, please let Hilary Webster know by e-mail at

Please note that seats are unreserved, except for Friends of the orchestra.

If you need any help buying tickets in advance, please contact us on 07902 209085.

Type Standard Accompanied child, or carer
Bought in advance £15 FREE


Tickets may also be bought on the door, if available. Note that doors open 30 mins. before the start of each concert.

Please also note our Covid guidance.


Forthcoming concerts:

Saturday 25th January 2025 at 7.30pm, Salisbury Chamber Music Club

Sunday 26th January 2025 at 3.00pm, St. Peter's Church, Shaftesbury

The Female Muse

Members of Salisbuy Baroque present a programme of baroque chamber music composed by these women composers — with many thanks to Julie Mettyear for these biographical notes.

Salisbury Chamber Music Club meets at the United Reformed Church in Fisherton Street, Salisbury SP2 7RG, here, and tickets will be available on the door as detailed here.

Tickets for St. Peter's Church, here, will be available in advance from Shaftesbury Arts Centre or on the door. This concert is part of their Festival of Baroque event.

Sunday 2nd March 2025 at 4.00pm, St. Martin's Church, Salisbury

The Sprightly Hautboy – celebrating the baroque oboe

Director/Soloist: Julia Bishop
Oboe: Hannah Blumsohn


  • Bach - Concerto for oboe and violin
  • Telemann - 'Ebb und Flut' suite
  • Boyce - Symphony no. 2 in A
  • Hellendaal - Concerto Grosso op. 3 no. 4 in Eb

St. Martin’s Church, St. Martin's Street, Salisbury, SP1 2HY

Link to location map and directions to St. Martin's Church, Salisbury

For those arriving by car, we suggest that you park in the Churchill Gardens car park, here, from which there's only a short walk to the church. The car park is accessible from both the east- and west-bound lanes.

Sunday 29th June 2025 at 6.00pm, Wilton Parish Church

The Trumpet Shall Sound

Director: Theresa Caudle
Trumpet: Eliza Talman


  • Torelli - Sonata a cinque G.7 in D for trumpet and strings
  • Corelli - Concerto Grosso op. 6 no. 9 in F
  • Corelli - Sonata a 4 in D for trumpet, two violins and basso continuo
  • Boyce - Trio Sonata no. 4 in F
  • Mudge - Concerto Grosso no. 2 in D minor
  • Mudge - Concerto no. 1 in D for trumpet and strings

Wilton Parish Church, Wilton, Salisbury.




Salisbury Baroque's next orchestral concert is at 4pm on Sunday 2nd March 2025 at St. Martin's Church, Salisbury.

Members of Salisbury Baroque also perform chamber music by women composers on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th January 2025.

Full details and details of all our concerts are on the Concerts & Tickets page.

Tickets for Salisbury Baroque's concerts are available online.  For full details, please see the Concerts & Tickets page.

Salisbury Baroque is a member and supporter of Music In Salisbury which maintains a diary of musical events in Salisbury.

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