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Salisbury Baroque is Salisbury’s only period-instrument orchestra. It was set up by our founding patron David Morgan to enable local players (and some colleagues from further afield) to share their passion for late 17th and 18th century music through concerts and workshops.

Using copies of instruments of the period and authentic playing style, the group is able to bring to its audience a sense of intimacy and style difficult to achieve with larger forces and modern, heavier instruments.

Programme Schedule for the 2024 – 2025 season

Our first concert of the new season was a programme led by Catherine Martin celebating the music of Bach and Handel, featuring works with soprano, flute and violin soloists.

Then in January, members of Salisbury Baroque performed a programme of chamber music by women composers, on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th January 2025.  This concert was the result of research by Julie Mettyear, and her notes about the programme can be found here

Salisbury Baroque's concert, on 2nd March 2025, celebrated the baroque oboe, with Hannah Blumsohn, oboe, and Julia Bishop, violin, in Bach's concerto for oboe and violin, together with music by Boyce, Hellendaal and Telemann.

In the final concert of the season, on Sunday 29th June, we welcome soloist Eliza Talman in a programme of music in Wilton parish church for trumpet and strings, led by Theresa Caudle – who is herself also a cornett player.

Please see our Concerts and Tickets page for more details.



Sponsors and Friends of Salisbury Baroque

We are seeking sponsors to help support the orchestra. If you are able to support the orchestra in this way, please contact us to discuss sponsorship options. We also run a Friends’ scheme which, for a minimum donation of £25 per year, or £40 for a couple, entitles members to a number of benefits including reserved seating, invitations to additional concerts given by members of the orchestra and your name mentioned in concert programmes. For further details, please contact Lynn Menzies: 01722 717925 or



Salisbury Baroque's next orchestral concert is at 6pm on Sunday 29th June 2025 at Wilton Parish Church.

Full details of all our concerts are on the Concerts & Tickets page.

Tickets for Salisbury Baroque's concerts are available online.  For full details, please see the Concerts & Tickets page.

Salisbury Baroque is a member and supporter of Music In Salisbury which maintains a diary of musical events in Salisbury.

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